About Me

A frontend developer with 6 years of experience, I want to join a team where we can work together and I can apply my skills to help make the product the best it can be. I want to provide my insights and help create and maintain the best UI/UX experience for users. I want to use my skills to deliver the best possible experience to users and actively improve upon existing codebases to use the latest standards and best practices



Throughout my journey as a frontend web developer, I have added many tools to my kit:


Poke Tab

Poke Tab

This fun experiment, which I turned into a chrome extension displays a collection of pokemon sprites that move around the screen via JavaScript animation.

It uses the DOM to display the sprites and JavaScript to animate them, primarily using an recursive setTimeout(). Vue js is used to make coding the options panel easier.

Tech stack
Vue.js, Pinia, Typescript, Tailwind CSS

Board Game Helpers

Board Game Helpers

One of my favourite hobbies is playing boardgames. I usually play with my sister and recently we've found that certain games had either a long list of references or many instances of picking a random card for setup.

So I decided to use my talents to create a few apps to expedite the processes and give us more time playing and less time looking at manuals or shuffling cards. This is the collection of tools I made, they may not be the prettiest but they do work well.

Have fun!!

Tech stack
Vue.js, Vue Router, Typescript, Tailwind CSS

Movie Quiz

Movie Quiz

Movie Quiz is a small project I created to learn React and play around with an api. I chose The Move Database api and decided to create a quiz where every question is randomly generated.

Have fun!!

Tech stack
React.js, React Router, Redux (Toolkit), Typescript, Tailwind CSS

Adventure Sheet

Adventure Sheet

This project aims to replicate an Adventure sheet used in the popular series of Fighting Fantasy books by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone.

Tech stack
Vue.js, Vue Router, Typescript, Tailwind CSS
